The Lawrensonian Institute - Private Collection of Occult Artefacts
A collection of Mythos items collected from around the world.
The Institute holds several specimens which are on loan from the Miskatonic University.
Exhibit S22-109. Specimen of Embryonic Cthulhu spawn, on loan from Miskatonic University Biology Dept.
Exhibit S22-109. Specimen of Embryonic Cthulhu spawn, on loan from Miskatonic University Biology Dept.
Exhibit S22-109. Specimen of Embryonic Cthulhu spawn, on loan from Miskatonic University Biology Dept.
Exhibit S23-236.
Exhibit S22-768. Specimen of Shub-NIggurath young, on loan from Miskatonic University Biology Dept.
Exhibit S22-768. Specimen of Shub-NIggurath young, on loan from Miskatonic University Biology Dept.
Exhibit S22-768. Specimen of Shub-NIggurath young, on loan from Miskatonic University Biology Dept.
Exhibit S23-236. Sample of volcanic rock from island of R'lyeh in the South Pacific Ocean
Exhibit S32-774. Specimen of Shoggoth Proto-Matter