The Lawrensonian Institute - Private Collection of Occult Artefacts
Tablets & Bas-Reliefs

Exhibit T34-973. Stone tablet depicting Cthulhu, believed to be from around the 5th Century AD.

Exhibit T34-973. Clay carving depicting Cthulhu, believed to be from around 350 BC.

Exhibit T03-692. Zanthu Tablet, found on an Island in the South Pacific by a Miskatonic University in 1910. Dated to approximately the 8th Century AD

Exhibit T44-767. Cast metal tablet depicting Cthulhu in R'lyeh. Discovered in a police raid in Arkham, Mass in 1923, and believed to have been created between 1850 and 1870.

Exhibit T39-914. Bas-Relief of Cthulhu in R'lyeh, created by Henry Anthony Wilcox in Rhode Island, 1925.

Exhibit T04-335. Bas-Relief of Cthulhu

Exhibit T03-174. Stone Table engraved with of carving of Cthulhu
Tables, bas-reliefs & similar works of art.